Professional asbestos removal in Stourbridge, Kidderminster & Dudley

Need asbestos dismantling or removal? Get in touch with J Nash.

Qualified asbestos testers

Whether you need to remove the asbestos roof of your garage or dismantle your gutters, we are the right choice in Stourbridge, Birmingham, Wolverhampton and Kidderminster. Our team of qualified asbestos testers can help you locate and remove asbestos. We also offer detailed reports on the removal undertaken. Our aim is to decrease our carbon footprint, which is why we are health and safety conscious and use the correct methodology and technology to remove asbestos. Contact us for a free quote today!

Benefits of our services:

  • Decreases environmental asbestos
  • Health and safety
  • Compliant with regulations
  • Advanced removal techniques
  • Trained asbestos testers We also collect scrap metal and offer recycling services. Contact J Nash for more information.
  • For asbestos removal, call J Nash on

    07773 134 389

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